Friday, March 24, 2017
"Everything is as it should be..." Alicia Rae
By and large every choice you have made, every action, interaction and reaction, every thought, every wish, every effort and every complacency has brought you to this point.
Taking accountability for this will help you pulverize persistent road blocks, examine the unproductive messages that you allow yourself to entertain, and show you very clearly how much self mastery you can actually acheive.
It is always a good time to do some very honest self evaluation. We will discuss the influence of others in your life as well, but for now, let's focus on what you can control and what you are accountable for. Very simply, you can control what you put into and onto your body, it is a vehicle for so many experiences. You alone possess the right to use and share your body as you see fit. Your actions, reactions and your thoughts are entirely within your power as are your temper, integrity, charachter, verbal and physical expressions. This may seem like a short list of the things that you can control, but these things require presence of mind and determination. The good news is that as you develop the habit of exercising control in these areas of your life, they become automatic and simple to manage. You are accountable for your own happiness, monitoring your relationships, maintaining your health to the best of your ability, and being debt free as well as you are able. You are responsible for your actions toward other people no matter what the circumstance is. Your spirituality and mental health are treasured possesions to be tenderly nurtured. Living authentically and knowing yourself your capabilities defines what you bring to the table. Whether these qualities are good, bad, or indifferent is your responsibility to know intimately. Lastly, you are accountable for the quality of what you create and contribute in this world, your contributions have power.
If you are content with the trajectory of your life, you have accepted positive influences, listened to spirit and made wise decisions. Continuing on this path will bring you increased wonder and joy at the beauty in the world which will be easily shared with those you chose to surround yourself with. Manifesting success and fulfillment in living your true puropose in life will take on its own momentum, and roadblocks will continue to be easily moved aside. Self awareness is not an expression of the ego. It is a manifestation of your higher self. It is self caring, yet humble. It is confident but not vain. It is powerful and direct without being cruel or abusive. Realizing your purpose and living it with all your might, will afford you the strength to let go of everything that does not serve you. That passion and dedication creates the kind of focus that amplifies the law of attraction in your life. Keep at it! Your dreamsare only a blink away from reality!
If you are miserable in your life and feel and experience constant disruptions and roadblocks it is time to evaluate what you are doing with a comittment to yourself to make the changes at any cost. You are worthy of such a comittment and deserve to enjoy all that you dream of experiencing. You are the only one who can provide this in your life. Be kind to yourself. Introspection is difficult and often turns on that old message center that runs evil propaganda tapes in your head that reminds you of all of the reasons you are incapable, unworthy and undeserving. This is not the time to indulge those old messages. This is the time to dig deep and learn to control those thoughts by actively replacing them with new mantras. Recognizing when you are caught in the middle of one of those destructive reels is the first step. Deciding what new message you are going to play instead is empowering and healing and will change your life. Decoding the choices and actions of your past will help you to identify the roadblocks in your life and inspire you to create a new plan of action when you face the repetition of old situations or triggers. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Release yourself from the expectations that your family and friends have for your life. Remember, it is YOUR life. You are responsible for it. You will have to decide at the end of it if you have used it to the fullest of your hearts desires. You are where you are at right now becuuse you gave away your power, your hopes, your dreams and you have been living a shell of a life to conform.
You CAN live a full, passionate, authentic life when you claim it as your own. Being true to yourself first is the key. Do not worry about making a point about it. Just live it. Your joy and radiance will speak for itself. Be open to direction from the divine. Spirit is waiting to help you manifest your deepest desires.
Now, a brief discussion about the factors that influence your life that you have no control over and what to do about it. You have no control over the choices of other people. Each person has his or her free will and how they use it can and inevitably will affect your life. Hopefully, you have surrounded yourself with individuals who are waking up or are already very self aware. These individuals are typically consciencious and responsible for their actions, are loyal friends and devoted partners. If you have chosen less aware individuals who have filled you life with ineffective relationshiips and fuel for those destructive messages in your head, it is time to take a look from a new perspective so that you might understand what your relationship with them has to teach you about how you define your personal worth. You have a choice about how to respond when people are cruel, hurtful, or downright evil to you. Their choices do not define you or your worth. They define the perpetrator and even in the depths of pain and despair caused by their actions you have the power to chose how you will respond.
Accidental injury, natural disasters or exposure to common illness is a part of life. The best that you can do is to care for your body with exercise and good clean nutirition. Being prepared for any disaster will provde comfort and peace of mind. Nurture your mental and spiritual health with meditation, writing, therapy, activities you love, music, good relationships, quiet time, creative endeavors, reading, prayer or anything that edifies and uplifts your soul. Much of injury and illness requires a temporary recovery period and will be a breif if not inconvenient recovery. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Some illness is a direct result of hoarding and fostering negativity, hate, competition, greed, worrry or pride. Clean these negative forces from your life with gratitude, compassion, abundance, humility, forgiveness, acceptance and love. Some illness of course has no remedy and fear becomes the ruling experience. It can be heartbreaking and devastating. There is no simple answer for this. Take each moment as it comes. Truly, none of us knows when our last moments may be.
Everythng is as it should be. You have chosen to be at the exact place you are at right this very minute. If you love it, keep manifesting all the goodness you can imagine! You are on the right path. If you are less than thrilled with your place in life and the energy confronting you daily, you have the power to observe your choices, learn the lessons you have set in motion for yourself so that you can transform you life into the magnificent reality you dream of. Do not give up. You have everything you need inside of you. Learn your lessons. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Give your dreams the respect and devotion they deserve.
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